It’s time for a wealthy Africa

The stereotypical misconception of Africa is about to change,  as an epidemic of business success will sweep the continent but it all starts with the keys to success, being delivered from a consortium of international management consultants and training institutes and it’s called:

The Global Entrepreneurship Programme

An innovation delivered by the International Social Business Club (ISBC)- billionaires building billionaires

This brief article first of all attempts to wake Africa up to the need to create wealth, the tried and tested way, and then offers a quick solution to poverty and business mediocrity- a unique set of revelations governing attitudes to success and life-changing skills. This is the unique Global Entrepreneurship programme being launched across West Africa to act as a catalyst to sustainable wealth.


For some time now we as an organisation have noticed that the dynamic, life changing approach to entrepreneurship so prevalent in USA, Canada and parts of Europe has been kept away from Africa. It is as though the powers that be in the world do not want a wealthy Africa. Rather they want to keep what they used to call the “Dark Continent”- in the dark, on wealth creation. Their skills training invariably consists of capacity-building that relies heavily on the capacity of the west, such as training for farmers that needs western fertilisers, health care training that instead of proactive health education, leads to a dependency on conventional and somewhat expensive drugs.

The only young Africans who escape this poverty trap are those who happen to have rich parents that can afford the expensive foreign university fees, thus being transformed with technology and skills in the western education systems that correctly evolved out of academics into what we call competency (skills) based education.

Africa’s own faint-hearted responses, such as the trend in Nigeria to deliver academic entrepreneurship programmes which bring a little knowledge but never cover the “keys of success” and low value skills-acquisition- an anathema to the author who detests anything that keeps Africans down.

Furthermore well meaning but misleading training organisations offer skills empowerment programmes that can never lead to wealth, rather they encourage poverty- like cake making, soap making and other nonsensical skills that can only bring menial money.

The potential of Africa

At GGIST we believe all civilisations emerged from the early and great African civilisations and that the greatness of Africa will be revived as people wake up to two things here in Africa:

1.  Africa’s vast and diverse physical resources

2. The massive potential of Africa’s human resources, which, if correctly engaged towards actionable achievement and wealth creation, could outpace any world economy.

So here we go with the route out of this quagmire of poverty in Africa and foreign hindrances.

The Wealth Creating Solution

We are launching the global entrepreneurship (GE) programme in Africa and it is unique- our concept is proven over decades  and is summarised in these words:

 Only results matter

 If our mentees and the candidate businesses do not become rich and profitable, we are wasting their time and money. Rather our training and business support never fails and there are thousands of testimonies, but it must now be a pan-African obsession covering every state, commencing in Western Africa.

We have proven over the last ten years that young Africans can quickly gain wealth from previous training programmes and now this one is re-vamped to offer a unique and certain movement towards prosperity.

Our vision is:  Africa must rise on the back of proper global entrepreneurship skills.

The programme is delivered by a leading global motivational speaker and architect of GE:  a British top trainer, committed to Africa, who has proven this system leads to wealth.

The GE message to failing training providers and frustrated would be entrepreneurs in Africa

Together we must work to abolish poverty and eradicate false hope empowerment programmes and break off the shackles of foreign dependency, as Ghana and Rwanda are doing so successfully.

If you are a business owner and you are tired of failure or mediocre results, contact us.

If you run empowerment programmes that do not have much affect, which is the vast majority, come over to our side and join the African business revival. You can embark upon a GGIST Global Entrepreneurship franchise available In Togo, Ghana and Nigeria

Summary of the global entrepreneurship programme

Now we will give you a partial summary of what is clearly the reality of true business empowerment. To understand this you must think critically about what is and what is not needed, to develop business in Africa.

 First of all how can anyone be successful as an entrepreneur or a social entrepreneur (eg NGO leaders), when the very vital things such as skills and support mechanisms  are missing, making it impossible to be successful?

 A vision is useless unless it can be implemented: actionable skills and inner psychological change or a new way of thinking are all needed to convert a vision into reality.

We ask all readers of this article to spread this message and tell leaders of social, faith, governmental or business concerns  that they either change to achieve success or forget their vision. Because there is no success without the principles and skills of success being inculcated into the business person who seeks entrepreneurial success.

 Avoiding False Empowerment and Find the True Keys to Success

All the existing empowerment seminars in the region are just “hot air”, the words of speakers evaporate and no actualisation of any significance happens. Everyone knows this to be true and yet people still go from one seminar to another, in the vain hope that somehow they will find success.

Existing empowerment seminars should be totally avoided as they are doing nothing. Even any empowerment practitioners know deep within their heart that their efforts are not helping.

 Some of the missing global competencies that bring success are:

1. Business analytical skills- simple skills making sure the vision/model will work. This includes a different way of thinking.

2. Personal transformation- required to bring psychological empowerment such as a powerful agent for success- self efficacy. Training in this critical area does not exist in West Africa apart from, of course, in our GE.

3. Global standard (not academic) business/ marketing and networking skills and a platform for this.

4. Digital skills to globalise the business.

5. Finally business incubation- a process of business mentoring and support to turn the embryo of vision into practical success quickly.

The ineffective training and empowerment agencies will read the above and try to emulate but it can never work. Wherever I go people have tried to copy me and I laugh. You see a biblical principle of truth is at play- if it’s not your idea it can never work, because you do not have the skills and background. For this reason some of the secrets of success are only revealed to our students and client businesses.

To conclude, if you are tired of struggling financially and irritated by the barrage of false prophets of empowerment with their constant “please you” seminars, then do something now.

 Join us so that together we can develop Africa through the only thing that can work:


If you want priority business support, comment below or click below to reach out to us or to get started, either as a trainer to be upgraded to GE or a budding entrepreneur.

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